Chemotherapy – on one hand, is a boon, curing/ treating a person from the life-threatening cancer disease but on the other hand, the therapy has several side effects on the otherwise healthy cells of the body. Post chemotherapy, patients experience severely debilitating symptoms depending upon the kind of medication used in chemo and the duration of the chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs basically work on the cells that are dividing themselves and therefore even those cells that normally multiply in the body, such as that of mouth, hair, skin, bone marrow – are commonly most affected post-chemotherapy. Some side effects are immediate, while some are intermediate and long term. Apart from chemotherapy, the radiation therapy used alongside, also has several side effects such as fatigue, hypoxia, headaches, dry skin, anaemia, laryngitis, fatigue, infertility etc.

Some of the most common side effects are:

  • Hair loss

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Breathing problem

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Rashes on the body

  • Random pains

  • Weak immune system

  • Nerve pain

  • Psychosomatic side effects like anxiety, depression etc

Ayurvedic View:

When looked at the various side effects of chemotherapy in a combined way, it comes across as manifestations of vitiated pitta dosha (Raktadushti/ raktapitta) rasa rakta dushti and ojo kshaya vata dosha manifested as pain and sensitivity in the body.


Restoring the balance of the nervous system, strengthening the digestive system, improving the lubrication of the joints are prioritised and a diet regime alongside breathing exercises for appropriate movement of the prana is aimed upon. Taking symptomatic management into consideration, a combination of internal medicines are prescribed alongside some external treatments (symptom-specific) for faster recuperation post-chemo. Depending upon the symptoms being presented, duration of the treatment can be assigned. The ayurvedic treatments will act as an adjuvant to the chemo treatments and will help in improving the overall quality of life.

As the patient is debilitated following major interventions our main aim to restore the health and also mental status. As rasa rakta and ojas is affected we can adopt samana line of treatment. Rasayana may be the best option depending upon the condition of the patient.

Office Hours

10 am – 6:00 pm
Monday - Saturday

10 am – 5:00 pm

Contact Us

Panackal Ayurveda Private Limited, Chanthavila, Kattayikonam Po, Trivandrum, Kerela - 695584, India
Tel: +91 88800 09378

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