Being overweight or underweight both are unhealthy and are equally an issue. The tendency of gaining weight or not gaining is also an indicator of the prakriti of an individual and is dealt with accordingly.

Being over-weight/ obesity is described in Ayurveda classics as sthoulya, which can be genetic or a lifestyle issue. This is seen as a metabolic problem caused by kapha, medus( adipose tissue) and vata. Kapha vitiation leads to slow down of metabolism and increases the tendancy of gaining weight drastically so much so that even small amounts of consumption of food increases body weight. Kapha vitiation causes creation of undigested food/ ama in the body and deposition of fat tissue. Pitta vitiation is indicative of a rather chronic accumulation of ama (undigested food) in the digestive track, thereby leading to blockage of srotas, thus slowing the digestion, and accumulation of fat tissue.

The lack of assimilation of the nutrients from food, due to slower metabolism or blockage of srotas as a result of increased toxicity in the body, could be explained as a reason for being underweight. This can lead to overall debility owing to deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Underweight mean a person having BMI less than 18.5 Genetic causes, spending more calories than the intake, medical causes -chronic disease, etc. Ayurveda classics explain a wide spectrum disease called as Atikrisha and under-weight can be included under that heading. Eating unhealthy and less nutritive diet, increased excretion, less sleep, chronic diseases can lead to krishata (underweight)

Aligned causes for the condition of being underweight and obesity – such as stress, lifestyle disorders – high cholesterol, high triglycerides, diabetes etc are also kept in mind while assessing the causative factors.


For both obesity and being underweight, dietary guidelines, alongside appropriate exercise and Yoga practices routine plays a very significant role. Internal medicines, sodhana chikitsa, and external treatments like udwartana, vasthi, swedana are used in combination as per the presentation of the case.

Lifestyle changes such as

– healthy balanced diet

– avoid unwanted calorie intake

– proper and planned exercise

– avoid addictions

– Internal medications as per the doctors instructions

– External therapies – Udvarthanam

– swedana

– sodhana

– specific formulated enemas, etc.

A strict exercise routine and specific set of Yoga practices play a significant role in the treatment of weight management related issues.

Office Hours

10 am – 6:00 pm
Monday - Saturday

10 am – 5:00 pm

Contact Us

Panackal Ayurveda Private Limited, Chanthavila, Kattayikonam Po, Trivandrum, Kerela - 695584, India
Tel: +91 88800 09378

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